Archive for January, 2011

He’s so heavenly minded, he’s no earthly good.  It’s likely that none of us have met such a person.  In fact, for many they are so earthly mind that they are of no heavenly good. For that reason we need to worship.  As the writer of Hebrews puts it, Let us continually offer the sacrifice […]

Sadly our culture is fascinated with death.  Weekly TV dramas, best selling novels, and much of popular music revolves around death.  It should be no surprise that in the culture of death which values convenience over commitment, the pre-born, as well as the aged and infirm, are in peril.  Conversely, the God of the Bible […]

Pastor Alistair Begg reminds the people in his church often, The main things are the plain things, and the plain things are the main things. It is plain in God’s word that the worship of the triune God by His people is a main thing. God calls His people together for the express purpose of […]

Of the many mattes about His creation in which God delights is the matter of repetition and monotony of creation every day. G.K. Chesterton wrote, “It is possible that God says every morning, ‘Do it Again’ to the sun; and every evening, ‘Do it again’ to the moon.  It may not be automatic necessity that […]